How to Using Fotowall in Ubuntu 10.10

Above the editing process is not something that should be in duplicate,, but it was merely a reference to the use of software Fotowall, in addition you can edit your picture up in accordance with the will of your own

Although the results are as good as the edits Photoshop ill, Image Ready, Corel Draw, etc.. (On Windows), Software 1 is quite interesting, but it is easy to use for NEWBIE, in addition to easy access, there are many others who also editing application (such as Insert picture (extension jpg, ico, bmp, png, etc.)

How to Edit Images with application Fotowall :

1. Open the application Fotowall
2. Click CREATE.

3. Open your Image and edit it at will you.

4. If it finished do not forget to the save. 

How to Install Fotowall in Ubuntu 10.10

There is a software which is in the system on linux there is no hard copy (when it occurs immediately after you finish downloading the install process) which serves as photo editing, this software is quite easy in the process penginstalanya, this time I will share the knowledge on how intall on UBUNTU just v10.10.

Name of the software : Fotowall

How to Install Fotowall :

1. Open a terminal via applications and then select the terminal later this display appears as follows :

2. Then type the command cd /home/adri/Desktop and hit enter.
3. After entry in the Desktop we type ls and press enter.

4. And then type a command cd because i gave my folder and type in a name anyway ls command to check the contents of a folder.

5. Continue to type the command sudo dpkg -i *.deb to compress and install fotowall.

6. After that press enter to start the installion proccess.

7. Wait finish the packaging then shut your terminal program
8. Then open the application on the menu GRAPHIC.

Tutorial on Making Template Web with CorelDraw X4 Part 3

How to make template website with application CorelDraw X4 :

1. Open the application CorelDraw X4
2. Create a table on the worksheet CorelDraw X4.

3. After it directed the cursor on the outline of the table until the black arrow cursor, click on the line until the edge of the blue line that blocks all fields.

4. Then click the selected cell combines into one cell or press ctrl + M then the appearance will be 1 column 2 column is no longer.

5. After that make 2 column the same of before but not merged into one but for the navigation and content.

6. And give the image header to the top or color it to your taste dergradasi each.
7. And do not forget to also give color to the left side of the same content of the website as an example the following picture.

8. After that give details on the left sidebar beside you like this picture.

9. Then do not miss also provide web content with your own words of the welcome to the websites as a shipping TKJ.

10. To beautify the look of the picture website, give the text or the title to the header and save the file > Save as Template.

11. Congratulations, you have successfully created your own dream template according to your conscience.

Extension generated by this program is :

1. CDR
2. JPG
3. PNG
4. CDT
5. GIF
6. etc..


To obtained extensions such as jpg, gif, and png we must save them first to the CDR extension and click the button beside Import Export and then select the location where you want to save and then Save As replaced like jpg, gif and png and then Save or OK.

How to Install CorelDraw X4 Part 2

How to Install CorelDraw X4 :

1. Disconnet all connections to the internet until the software installation proccess to install completed. 
2. The excutable file to CorelDraw Graphic Suit X4.exe dialog box appears and then klik Next. 
3. Click Keygen CorelDraw X4.exe serial number after that copy the serial number that appears before.

4. Paste the serial number to installation CorelDraw X4 last and Next.

5. Goto menu OPTION to remove the check and install product updates now.

6. Wait until it has finished the installation and run Corel on the menu that appears.

7. Time crack jamming.
8. Click " ENTER " Serial Number.
9. Enter the serial number from the keygen and then click Phone Corel.

10. Copy the installation code into the registration had to keygen Corel and click copy the Activation Code and Activation Code  that appears on registration keygen paste into Corel and click Continue.

11. Success installation + cracking has been completed.
12. Reconnect your internet connection and close program keygen CorelDraw Graphic Suit X4.

Spesifikasi Software CorelDraw X4 Part 1

Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 is the most popular software in the design world. We have had many great individuals and companies who use this software in creating graphic design for business and create a design. Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 is a solution in making the design of logos, illustrations, pamphlets, brochures, newspapers, magazines, web images, and many others.

Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 using intuitive vector illustration and page layout tools, improving the quality of professional photo editing software with photos, Corel Photo Paint X4. In addition, Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 can easily convert a bitmap file that is ready for editing and vector file that can scale very easily by using Corel X4 Power Trace. What are the advantages of Corel Draw Graphics Suite X4 is the latest?

Name of the software : CorelDraw X4

Requirements System CorelDraw X4 :

Minimum Specification ( System Requirements ) :

Operating System ( OS ) : Windows XP SP2

Intel Pentium III 800 MHz

Memory : SDRAM 512 MB

Screen : 1024 x 768 Resolution

VGA Card 256 MB


370 MB harddisk space ( only CorelDraw X4 ) ; 40 GB ( for etc more space )

Function of this software :

1.      Create a symbol and logo design
2.      To design invitations, brochures, and other
3.      Make a book cover
            4.   Make the ilustration