How to Install Fotowall in Ubuntu 10.10

There is a software which is in the system on linux there is no hard copy (when it occurs immediately after you finish downloading the install process) which serves as photo editing, this software is quite easy in the process penginstalanya, this time I will share the knowledge on how intall on UBUNTU just v10.10.

Name of the software : Fotowall

How to Install Fotowall :

1. Open a terminal via applications and then select the terminal later this display appears as follows :

2. Then type the command cd /home/adri/Desktop and hit enter.
3. After entry in the Desktop we type ls and press enter.

4. And then type a command cd because i gave my folder and type in a name anyway ls command to check the contents of a folder.

5. Continue to type the command sudo dpkg -i *.deb to compress and install fotowall.

6. After that press enter to start the installion proccess.

7. Wait finish the packaging then shut your terminal program
8. Then open the application on the menu GRAPHIC.